Data format
Our analysis results are stored in BED format with 6 columns.
- Chr, Chromosome names were kept the same as the genome annotation source we used: eg, rice chromosomes are labeled as Chr1, Chr2,...; sorghum chromosomes are named as chromosome_1, chromosome_2,...; tomato chromosomes are named as SL2.40ch01, SL2.40ch02, .....
- ChromStart, start coordinate of gRNA spacer paired region (protospacer).
- ChromEnd, end coordinate of gRNA spacer paired region (protospacer).
- Name, this is not a real sequence name. We use this column to store minMM_GG and minMM_AG value in a format of "minMM_GG:minMM_AG".
- Score, spacer sequence specificity score ranges from 1 (lowest specificity) to 10 (highest specificity). The value was calculated based on minMM_GG and minMM_AG.
- Strand, chromosome strand of PAM.
Downloading link
click here to enter our FTP site (Will be open soon).