WebBSS is a web interface to BSS. BSS organizes sequence searches against target sequences which are located on an FPC map. The target sequences can be BAC-end sequences (BES) or sequenced clones.

Quick Overview

Step 1) Enter the sequence or Upload the sequence file you want to search against the target sequences.
Step 2) Specify the BSS options for your search. (Refer to the section below for description of BSS options.)
Step 3) Press the "Submit" button to start the search.

Description of form fields
  • Database Type: Two types of database are used with BSS searches BES and Genomic
    • BES: BES database contains BAC-end sequences
    • GENOME: GENOME database represent sequenced clones
  • Blast Expectation Value: The statistical significance threshold for reporting matches against database sequences; the default value is 50.
  • Query type: You must specify the type of sequence entered for as Marker/Sequence. Query type and database type determine the map used for bss search.
  • Additional Blast Parameters: You can also specify additional blast parameters that you want to use for the BSS search. More details on blast parameters can be obtained from NCBI BLAST help
  • Search Type: You can search the database for matches to All Contigs, or Single Contig, or Search for Contig Ends. If you are interested in searching for single Contig you have to specify the contig number that you want to search against. In case of Search type as Contig Ends you have to specify the distance from the ends that should be matched.
  • Output Option:
    • To web browser: Your job will run immediately and return results directly to your Web browser in HTML format.
    • By E-mail: The results will be sent within the body of email message, to the email address you entered.